The happy ramblings of a sharp-witted canine scamp.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Heat Relief!

Apparently, the heat really took a toll on me:
The heat made my tummy hurt and
I got sick which made my tummy too acidy
then the heat brought out pollen that made my eyes itch
I scratched my eyes and ended up with an infection.
I was tired and feeling low,
but the heat backed off and as soon as I felt better
Mom sent me to the nasty bath people
who SHAVED me!
All of me
Look at me!!!

Aren't I cute?
I feel better, too.

Thanks to all those who asked!
I'm back in blogging form again.

licks, banba


Blogger Gus said...

Welcome back, good to see that you are feeling better. Be careful with your new haircut, too much sun can make us wirey dogs have a sunburn! (I got one last year!)

10:15 AM

Blogger Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Ooooh, They shaved your beard off, too! I hope you're feeling better. Come and visity my blog.

xxx Asta down under

3:59 PM

Blogger Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Banba,

Do you mind if I relate your serious message about the flies to my mate Asta up over? She's the one I recommended the cork hat to - she had some serwious fly issues. Wow, I mean, Crikey! I didn't know they could be so dangewous. I'm sowy you had to shave off your bootiful beard. I hope you're feeling better. When you're up to it, I hope you come back and sign my guest book.

Your mate,
Asta down under

4:43 PM

Blogger Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, hope you're feeling better. Boy, you look skinny with your new haircut! J x

2:13 PM

Blogger Asta said...

Hi Banba
so glad you're better..sounds pwetty awful to have all those things go wrong, but you look gweat and now you can enjoy the west of the summer I hope. I stay in during the hottest parts, and walk in the shade..stay well cutie
smoochie kisses

6:41 PM

Blogger Gus said...

Banba: We aren't going much farthe East than St. Louilis this trip. But we will take you up on the invitation to visit Boston if we go see E.Rabbit in DeeSee! Cause it is (relatively) short trip from there, and muzzer says Boston has great walks!

10:35 AM

Blogger Kate said...

You are cute even with your beard shaved! I was wondering if you were born in Massachusetts, and where you are from. I am looking for a smart little pup like yourself and I live in Boston too. Keep up the good blogging.


8:27 PM

Blogger Asta said...

Hello Banba,
hope you're feeling lots better, the awful hoomid heat finally got to me too..I don't like it at all
smoochie kisses

3:13 PM

Blogger fee said...

now u look like a jack russell terrier, banba. glad u're feeling lots better. do stay healthy my friend!


3:44 AM

Blogger fee said...

welcome back banba! i hope u're feeling much much better now. what does it feel like without the fur?


5:43 AM

Blogger Asta said...

Hi Banba,
I miss you! hope you're not suffewing fwom this yucky heat...we hate it..stay cool sweetie, and come visit soonest
smoochie kisses

10:30 PM

Blogger Agatha and Archie said...

Banba,We miss you and hope you are ok.Maybe you are just watching the Red Sox and Dice K!!! Love, A+A

6:14 PM

Blogger fee said...

where are you banba??!!! come back!!!

10:43 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Happy pup pup!

9:36 AM


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