The happy ramblings of a sharp-witted canine scamp.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Two Days After the Night Before
Well, Halloween was apparently a great success.
I don't remember too much:
It's all a haze of little kids in scary masks or
gauzy dresses and wings and
the blinking light, always with the blinking lights
(Editor's note: Banba wore a puppy "blinker" (OK, two)
on her collar Halloween night,so that
she would be visible on that dark and windy night).

I have to admit, I was looking good in the Skeleton costume
That's me, with my back to the camera--Guarding the candy!
Mom took me around to my friends houses
(Toby's folks even took a picture of me!)
so all the other dogs could see me dressed up.
Even my beloved Cammie saw me in the outfit.
Thankfully, she didn't laugh
She just chomped on her tennis ball.

By then, I wanted out of the costume,
and kept begging people to pull it off me
But they all just laughed and told Mom I looked cute
Hey, I was choking in that was tight, restricting...
I'm like a costume claustrophe...
And people just laughed
And took pictures.

Toby's folks weren't the only ones to snap a photo of me.
The little kids, who I stoically let pet me,
pressed their masked little faces into my fur
as their folks snapped their picture with the famed Skeleton dog.
OK, it was nice for a while to meet and greet all the little kids
(and let them adore me, if they wished)
But after a while with the "Trick or Treat" and the blinking light and the
glowing jack-o-lanterns and all those strangers asking for candy,
I was dizzy.

I spent yesterday sleeping it off, and
I'm going back to bed again as soon as I hit the last.....



Blogger Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Oooh you really had to work it! Did you get candy?

Bussie Kissies

2:27 PM

Blogger Wired for Mackie said...

Hi Banba, pretty girl! I had hardly any little kids come to my door and I was really disappointed. My mom doesn't like Halloween because of all the scary things, but I like it because of all the kids, only this year there were hardly any kids. Bummer!
You look cute, even as a skeleton!
Your pal, Mackie

8:17 PM

Blogger Life with Ozzy said...

Wow Banba it sounds like you had a blast on Halloween! All I got to do was hang out with my folks and wear my halloween bandana lucky you!
Wirey hugs,

6:17 PM

Blogger fee said...

fwah, snazzy outfit banba! did you get any treats?


10:14 AM


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